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Guide to New 2021 California Criminal Law Changes

Guide to New 2021 California Criminal Law Changes

Guide to New 2021 California Criminal Law Changes

In the wake of massive public demonstrations against structural racism, police abuse and systemic injustice, California has enacted a slew of criminal justice reforms. Here the Los Angeles criminal defence lawyers of Chudnovsky Police force explain all the new California criminal laws effective in 2021.

Governor Gavin Newsom signed a series of bills into police initiating criminal justice, juvenile justice and policing reforms in California. Legislators hope that these changes will shift the focus of the criminal justice system from punishment and systemic bias to rehabilitation, reducing backsliding, and equal handling regardless of race or income.

New criminal laws in California 2021

Immigration criminal records and restoring rights

  • Diversion allowing most misdemeanors to be dismissed (AB 3234)
  • Automatic expungement of eligible criminal convictions (AB 1076)
  • Restoring parolee voting rights (Suggestion 17)

Law enforcement practices

  • Banning chokeholds by police force enforcement (AB 1196)
  • California Racial Justice Act prohibits racial bias in criminal cases (AB 2542)
  • Establish Sheriff oversight board and inspector general (AB 1185)
  • Making false 911 calls based on discrimination a hate crime (AB 1775)
  • Housing transgender inmates based on gender identity (SB 132)


  • Profoundly reduced sex offender registrations (SB 384)
  • Capping misdemeanor and felony probation term to 1 or two years (AB 1950)
  • Ban death penalization for persons with intellectual disability (AB 2512)
  • Repeal of administrative fees in criminal justice system (AB 1869)

Youth offenders

  • Juvenile Justice Realignment nib phasing out juvenile prisons (SB 823)
  • Shifting problem juveniles in schoolhouse from courts to community programs (AB 901)
  • Confidentiality of youth police records (AB 2425)


AB 3234 | Misdemeanor diversion

Associates Bill 3234 dramatically expands the opportunities for diversion in a wide variety of California misdemeanor cases. The bill allows about people to have their criminal cases completely dismissed and erased from their record after completing a court ordered diversion program. Upon completion, the underlying abort will exist accounted never to take occurred.

AB 3234 gives Superior Courtroom judges discretion to offer diversion, fifty-fifty over the objection of government prosecutors for about misdemeanor charges. Defendants cannot exist offered diversion for certain offenses such as: 243(due east)(1) pc domestic battery, 273.5 pc corporal injury to spouse, 646.9 pc stalking, and sex crimes requiring 290 pc sex activity offender registration.

Under this new police force, defendants are not required to plead guilty in advance. This can accept a substantial effect on professional person licensure and federal immigration issues. Charges dismissed earlier a guilty plea should have no effect on licensure, immigration proceedings, DACA recipients nor be counted every bit deportable offenses.

While trial courts will have discretion to offer misdemeanor diversion, there is no machinery to legally strength them to. It is critical that a defendant'south Long Beach criminal defense lawyer be skilled in presenting an effective petition to the court that makes a compelling argument for diversion. Effective Jan 1, 2021.

AB 1076 | "Clean Slate Human activity" automatic criminal record expungement

The Make clean Slate Legislation Assembly Bill 1076 gives automatic record clearance for individuals arrested after January 1, 2021. The bill applies to Californians that are eligible to clear their criminal records under Penal Code 1203.4 as follows:

  1. Committed a misdemeanor or felony that did not event in incarceration in state prison.
  2. Fulfilled all terms of their probation.
  3. Defendant was not bedevilled for whatsoever of the specified crimes that make someone ineligible to receive a California expungement.

AB 1076 requires California to automate the procedure of tape clearance then that individuals and the courts do non take to incur the costs of petition based record clearance. The state estimates that each record clearance costs the system $three,757, while the automated arrangement will only cost four-cents per record. California is only the third state to offer make clean slate relief, after Utah and Pennsylvania.

California Policy Lab found that "ane in 8 Californians with a criminal record are potentially eligible to take their full record cleared. Farther, approximately 81% of persons with a criminal record are potentially eligible for relief of at least one abort or conviction (approximately 1.8 1000000 persons in the study cohort)."

These automatic record relief provisions use to defendants arrested or convicted on or after January 1, 2021. Funding and implementing the changes are subject to appropriation in California's Annual Budget. The automatic system is estimated to begin operating July 1, 2022, depending on when funding is finally appropriated.

Proposition 17 | Restores correct to vote for people on parole later on prison

Proposition 17 amends the Constitution of California to permit people on parole to vote. It also allows parolees to run for office if they are registered to vote and accept not been convicted of bribery or perjury. The change is estimated to restore voting rights to approximately 50,000 people in California who are on parole after completing their prison sentence.

AB 1196 | Banning chokeholds past law enforcement

Assembly Neb 1196 requires California police force enforcement agencies to meliorate their use of forcefulness policies to prohibit using carotid restraints or asphyxiate holds. The bill defines the terms every bit follows:

  1. "Carotid restraint" ways a vascular neck restraint or whatever like restraint, agree, or other defensive tactic in which pressure is applied to the sides of a person'due south neck that involves a substantial adventure of restricting claret flow and may render the person unconscious in lodge to subdue or command the person.
  2. "Choke hold" ways any defensive tactic or force option in which direct force per unit area is applied to a person's trachea or windpipe.
  3. "Law enforcement agency" means any agency, section, or other entity of the land or any political subdivision thereof, that employs whatever peace officer described in Chapter 4.v (commencing with Section 830) of Championship 3 of Part 2 of the Penal Lawmaking.

At present a majority of the nation's largest law departments have banned or strengthened restrictions on the employ of these types of neck restraints since the death of George Floyd. The changes have come up equally policing agencies are working to reassure stressed communities that they are listening.

AB 2542 | California Racial Justice Human action

The California Racial Justice Act of 2020 (CRJA) prohibits the use of race, national origin, or ethnicity to seek or obtain convictions or impose sentences in criminal cases.

According to Governor Newsom, "AB 2542 is a countermeasure to address a widely condemned 1987 legal precedent established by the U.Southward. Supreme Court in the case of McCleskey 5. Kemp. The McCleskey decision has the functional effect of requiring that criminal defendants prove intentional discrimination when challenging racial bias in their legal process. This is a high standard and is virtually impossible to meet without direct proof that the racially discriminatory beliefs was witting, deliberate and targeted."

AB 2542 is a far reaching Act that makes it possible for someone charged with or convicted of a crime to claiming the confidence or their sentence by showing discrimination played a function in their case in i of the post-obit ways:

  • A lawyer, police force enforcement officer, juror, expert witness or gauge exhibited racial bias towards the defendant during the case.
  • Racially discriminating language was used at trial towards the accused.
  • Statistical show demonstrates that persons of a particular race are charged or bedevilled or certain crimes or charge enhancement.
  • Statistical prove showing that persons of a particular race are subject to longer or more severe sentences.

The Sentencing Project reported in 2016 that African American men were incarcerated in California country prisons at more than 8.eight times the rate of white men. That is one of the highest racial disparities in the nation. Effective January one, 2021.

AB 1185 | Establish Sheriff oversight board and inspector general

Assembly Beak 1185 authorizes each California canton to create a sheriff oversight lath and role of the inspector general. The new law is designed to increase Sheriff accountability and transparency past assisting county boards of supervisors in exercising oversight over their Sheriff agencies.

AB 1185 empowers the inspector general and the chair of the oversight board to outcome subpoenas and subpoena duces tecum to compel Sheriff personnel to appear, testify, and provide documents or other prove needed regarding oversight within their jurisdiction. Effective January 1, 2021.

AB 1775 | Making false 911 calls based on bigotry a detest criminal offence

Associates Beak 1775 makes it a hate crime to make a false 911 call based on a person'south ethnic background, gender, religion or sexual orientation. The pecker imposes a misdemeanor hate crime sentence of up to one twelvemonth in jail and a fine not less than $500 nor more than $2,000. AB 1775 also allows the victim to file a lawsuit confronting the person that fabricated the false 911 call.

AB 1775 passed with widespread support later many media reports of fake 911 calls sparked nationwide attending. Cell telephone videos have allowed widespread sharing of harassing 911 calls. False 911 calls were oftentimes made confronting Black and Latino individuals for engaging in everyday activities such as birdwatching, barbecuing, dancing in the street, cartoon chalk artwork on their own property, and even a harassing an eight-yr-quondam girl selling water. Effective January 1, 2021.

SB 132 | Transgender Respect, Agency, and Dignity Act

Senate Bill 132 requires the California Section of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) to ask inmates to specify their gender identity and whether the individual identifies as transgender, nonbinary, or intersex. Inmates must then be housed in a correctional facility designated for men or women based on the individual'south preference.

The Transgender Respect, Bureau and Dignity Act is intended to heighten protections for LGBTQ people, who are especially vulnerable in prisons. A written report by the University of California, Irvine found that transgender inmates in male prisons are 13.4 times more likely to exist the victim of sexual assault than other inmates.

Most states house inmates co-ordinate to their birth gender, regardless how they identify as an adult. California is now joining Connecticut, New York City, Massachusetts and Rhode Island in housing inmates based on inmate-defined gender identity. Effective January one, 2021.

SB 384 | Sex activity offender tiering

Senate Pecker 384 changes California's lifetime-based sex offender registration arrangement to a tier-based system on January one, 2021. SB 384 establishes 3 tiers of registration for developed sex offenders, based on specified criteria, for periods of 10 years, 20 years, and life. Juvenile offenders will be required to register equally a sex offender for either five or ten years.

Starting July 1, 2021, registrants who encounter certain requirements can petition the court, in their county of residence, for termination of their requirement to register as a sex offender in California.

The three tiers increase according to severity of the confidence as follows:

  1. Tier 1: The to the lowest degree astringent offenses such as misdemeanor sexual battery and other misdemeanor charges tin petition to be removed from the registry after 10 years.
  2. Tier ii: Eye tier convictions such as lewd acts with a pocket-size or rape past charade tin petition to exist removed from the registry later twenty years.
  3. Tier 3: The most astringent convictions resulting from crimes such every bit rape or human trafficking volition remain subject field to the lifetime registration requirement. This tier is unchanged by SB 384.

Removal from the sex offender registration organisation is not automatic. Once an offender is eligible due to their tier, they must file a petition with their court. The land volition take 60 days to review the request. If the petitioner has complied with all their sex offender registration requirements and not been convicted of another law-breaking, the courtroom tin can grant termination of the condition equally a sex offender.

This long overdue modify should allow the large number of depression tier offenders to repossess their lives. California estimates that as many as xc% of those currently required to register for life under 290 pc can be removed from the registry.

AB 1950 | Probation term reform

Assembly Pecker 1950 caps the probation term for both misdemeanor and felony convictions effective January 1, 2021. Under AB 1950, misdemeanor offense probation will be capped at 1 twelvemonth unless the statute states otherwise. Felony criminal offense probation will exist capped at 2 years, subject to some exceptions.

AB 1950 does not decrease the probation period for the following offenses:

  • Financial crimes where the offenses involves more $25,000 (487(b)(three) pc, 503 pc, and 532a pc).
  • Any felony or misdemeanor offense "that includes specific probation lengths within its provisions."
  • Fierce felonies as defined in 667.five pc.

Many offenses include the length of probation divers within the statute which would make AB1950 not apply. For instance, DUI statutes specify probation terms of three to five years.

AB 2512 | Ban expiry penalty for persons with intellectual inability

Assembly Neb 2512 modernizes the California death penalty intellectual disability statute then that anyone that meets the clinical standard definition of "intellectual disability" cannot be sentenced to death in California. AB 2512 eliminates the historic period of onset threshold requiring that intellectual disability be nowadays earlier the historic period of eighteen in order to determined legally.

AB 2512 also prohibits "the results of a exam measuring intellectual functioning to be changed or adapted based on race, ethnicity, national origin, or socioeconomic condition." This alter prevents prosecutors from making race-based arguments to inflate IQ scores to prevent findings of intellectual disability.

AB 1869 | Repeal administrative fees in criminal justice organisation

Assembly Nib 1869 repeals the authority of California counties to charge criminal defendants for 23 of the most burdensome fees for legal representation, probation, and incarceration imposed in criminal justice cases, effective July 1, 2021.

Repealed fees include: processing arrests and citations, administering probation and mandatory supervision, continuous electronic monitoring programs, administering habitation detention programs, piece of work furlough programs, and work release programs. AB 1869 as well repeals the dominance of the court to order the accused to pay the costs of the public defender.

SB 823 | Juvenile justice realignment

Senate Bill 823 sets into movement phasing out the California Country Division of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) youth incarceration and replacing it with a new county-based system named the Part of Youth and Community Restoration (OYCR), starting time July ane, 2021.

OYCR volition exist located inside the California Health and Human Services (HHS) agency without the quondam adult correctional constraints. The goal is to provide more wellness focused and youth development approaches closer to their habitation communities and families when youth justice intervention is needed.

The closure of DJJ is expected to have the greatest impact on youths of color. The Center on Juvenile Criminal Justice has reported that "Black and Latino youth are 31 times and v times more than likely to exist committed to DJJ than their white peers, respectively."

DJJ will no longer accept intake of new juveniles starting July 1, 2021.

AB 901 | Shifting trouble juveniles in school from courts to community programs

Associates Beak 901 volition end the practice of referring children and teens who are having problems at school into probation programs. Instead they will be treated more humanely in customs-based resources.

Habitually truant, insubordinate, or disorderly pupils volition no longer be brought to the attention of the juvenile courtroom and the student's probation or parole officer. Courts may no longer require the delivery of a pupil who is rebel or hell-raising to schoolhouse daily. Except for underage minors who are on probation, the probation department will not be immune to create mandatory probation atmospheric condition for juveniles.

Juvenile courtroom will no longer have say-so to adjudge a minor to be a ward of the court on the basis that the pocket-sized habitually refuses to obey the reasonable and proper orders or directions of school government. Instead, peace officers will be required to refer minors to a customs-based resources, the probation department, a health agency, a local educational agency, or other governmental entities that may provide services.

Prosecutors and probation officers are now required to cooperate in determining whether some other public agency, a community-based organization, the probation department, or the commune attorney is best able to operate any specified truancy arbitration programs.

Probation officers volition be required to refer youths to services provided past a customs-based resources, the probation department, a health bureau, a local educational agency, or other governmental entities that may provide services.

AB 2425 | Confidentiality of youth police records

Assembly Bill 2425 ensures the confidentiality of the police records of juveniles who are diverted from the juvenile justice system when they come into contact with law enforcement or at the referral of a probation department. AB 2425 likewise ensures that those who do not fall within the jurisdiction of the juvenile court are protected from the negative consequences of a criminal tape. This bill requires diversion program providers maintain the confidentiality of juvenile records.

Chudnovsky Law California Criminal Defense Attorneys


About Chudnovsky Law

Chudnovsky Police is a preeminent California criminal defense force and professional license defense law business firm with offices in Los Angeles, Long Embankment, Santa Monica and Newport beach. The firm's three senior attorneys, Tsion Chudnovsky, Robert Chiliad. Weinberg and Suzanne Crouts include former prosecutors with a combined 65+ years feel practicing criminal law. Chudnovsky Law has been recognized every bit Pinnacle 100 Trial Lawyers by The National Trial Lawyers.

If you lot are looking for expert criminal defense and compassionate lawyers laser-focused on protecting y'all, telephone call (844) 325-1444 for a Free consultation . We offer experience and dedication to resolving your case.

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Proudly serving all of California including: Anaheim, Costa Mesa, Fullerton, Glendale, Pasadena, Santa Monica, Torrance, Van Nuys, Garden Grove, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Orange Canton, Santa Ana and Westminster.

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Written by Tsion Chudnovsky and Robert Weinberg.

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Source: https://toplawyer.law/2021-california-criminal-law-changes/

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