How to Know What Geforce Series You Have

Desire to play the latest games, but aren't sure if your PC can handle them? Graphics are a huge office of the PC gaming experience, but non every computer is built for the best games on the marketplace. You'll demand to know what graphics card you have installed and compare that to the minimum requirements for the game y'all want to play. Here's how to effigy it out.

What's a Graphics Bill of fare?

When y'all plow on your computer, the images that appear on screen—whether it's a uncomplicated Discussion document or a circuitous 4K gaming experience—are generated by a graphics processing unit (or GPU). These chips tin can range from simple "integrated graphics," which are part of the motherboard or processor, to larger, more powerful expansion cards.

These expansion cards—often called "detached" or "defended" graphics cards—can usually perform more powerful tasks than integrated graphics, similar amend 3D gaming, accelerated video rendering, or even certain non-graphical jobs like mining bitcoin. This extra utility comes at the expense of higher power usage, more heat, and more space in your calculator, which is why you'll rarely discover dedicated graphics cards in ultra-sparse laptops.

Just similar any other computer component, graphics cards tin can become outdated over time. The menu you bought in 2012 is unlikely to play 2022's AAA games at loftier settings, so if y'all're ever unsure whether a game will run on your PC, you lot'll want to compare its minimum or recommended requirements to the hardware you currently accept.

Knowing what graphics card you have tin be disruptive, since there are ii relevant model numbers: the model of the GPU (the bodily chip that does the piece of work), and the model of the card itself (which includes other hardware like the cooler, voltage regulation module, and then on).

There are 2 principal discrete GPU manufacturers today: Nvidia and AMD. There are many other manufacturers, yet, making the cards themselves—Asus, EVGA, MSI, Gigabyte—and other companies can produce graphics cards using chips from Nvidia and AMD, calculation their own tweaks to set up themselves apart from each other. One manufacturer'southward version may have meliorate fans than some other, may come overclocked from the factory, or take a better warranty.

Then when you're looking up what graphics carte y'all have, y'all'll need to decide whether knowing the chipset is plenty (for example, the "Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060") or whether yous demand the actual manufacturer and model of your carte (such every bit the "EVGA GeForce GTX 1060 Superclocked," which uses Nvidia's chipset). The former is very like shooting fish in a barrel to notice in Windows, while the latter is a bit more complicated.

Observe Out What GPU Yous Have in Windows

In your PC's Start menu, blazon "Device Managing director," and press Enter to launch the Control Panel's Device Manager. Click the drop-downward arrow next to Display adapters, and it should list your GPU right there. (In the screenshot beneath, you can see that I have a Radeon RX 580.)

device manager properties

If you aren't sure which company designed that scrap, you tin correct-click on it and choose Properties to see the manufacturer—in my case, Advanced Micro Devices, or AMD. (Note that Device Manager uses your graphics drivers to make up one's mind what GPU you lot take, then if you suspect the wrong drivers may be installed, yous should skip to the next section.)

In one case y'all take the GPU name, y'all can Google effectually to acquire more nigh it, or compare information technology to the minimum requirements on the game yous desire to play. Commonly, a higher number denotes a improve card—so a game that requires an RX 580 may non run on an RX 480, which is less powerful (though there are sometimes ways around that).

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If yous're comparing two cards that utilise different naming schemes—like AMD'due south RX 580 and the more than powerful RX Vega 56—you may take to do a petty research to see which carte du jour is more powerful, and what the departure in price is.

Find the Manufacturer and Model Number


If, for some reason, you demand to knowexactly what model video card you have, you'll have to practise a bit more than work. The manufacturer is easy plenty to find with a 3rd-party app called Speccy. Download the free version, start information technology up, and click the Graphics option in the sidebar. Scroll down and look for the Subvendor entry, which should tell you who made the bodily card in your PC—in my case, Asus made this particular RX 580. (You'll also be able to see how much video RAM your card has, among other specs.)

Unfortunately, this won't tell you the exact model number, which you'll need for, say, warranty claims. (Asus makes a few different RX 580 cards, and they'll need the exact model number to provide support.) For that, you lot'll demand to either search your email for the receipt (if you bought the card online) or open up your PC upwardly.

In this case, detect the graphics card, remove information technology, and look at the sticker on the side—it should have the model number you lot need. You may want to write this information downward somewhere and so you lot don't need to crevice your PC open next time—you never know when you might demand it!

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